Hi there, I am Maria the person behind La Maria Travels blog.
I am a thirty-something millennial living in Miami. I was born and raised in Ecuador and moved to the United States when I was 16. I have lived most of my adult life in Miami so I always call this place home. In 2017 I moved to NYC to pursue my dream since I was 15 of living in NYC and working in the fashion industry. In the summer of 2019, I decided that I needed to move back home to Miami for many reasons, that will be a story for another time.
So how did my love for travel started? I believe my love for travel started even before I did a big trip since when I was young my dad always told us the story of how when he was 21 he traveled around the world for like 8 months with his backpack and surfboard. I always knew I wanted to do something similar (probably not with a surfboard since I do not surf) where I could see new places and learn about new cultures. Then fast forward to 5 years ago I started working in Corporate America and one year when I was finally financially “stable” (when I say stable I mean as a 24 year old stable not like ready to buy a home stable) I decided to take my first Eurotrip with my best friend. Since that trip I have never looked back and I am so hungry to go to different places and keep seeing and experiencing different places and cultures. I literally got the travel bug and now I cannot stop.
Oh and by the way my actual name is Maria Jose but my friends call me Majo but if it is easier for you, you can call me Maria.
What will you find at La Maria Travels blog? I will show you how to travel the world on a budget. I will give you all my insights on how I plan my trips. Last but not least, I will show you how to make the most of your vacation days.
I am excited about this little space of the internet where I can show you my experiences and share what I have learned along the way and to inspire you to book your dream trip!
I hope you stay and enjoy this ride with me.